
Enn Suve has passed

On the 07th of November dancer, ballet master and pedagogue Enn Suve (September 27, 1940 - November 7, 2024) passed away among us.

Enn Suve, born in Hagudil in Harjumaa, graduated from the Tallinn Choreography School in 1959 (Kalju Saarake´s class) and from GITIS in 1964 as a ballet master (supervisor R. Zahharov).

He has worked as a ballet master in the years 1964-1966 at the Moscow Grand Theater, the Moscow Operetta Theater and the Ice Ballet ensemble, 1966-1973 in Estonia (1967-1969 acting principal ballet master, 1969-1973 acting principal ballet master, 1969-1973 as principal ballet master (Tallinn Ballett918) and 1973-2 012-2012) .

The send-off will take place on November 14 at 2:30 p.m. at the Pärnamäe Crematorium. Please do not bring bouquets and wreaths.

Our condolences to all, friends and colleagues.