- Members of honour
Active members
- Marika Aidla
- Svetlana (Pavlova) Anslan
- Nadežda Antipenko
- Avelar Gerardo Olivares
- Rita Dolgihh
- Margarita Dombrovskaja
- Alexander Germain Drew
- Maria Isabella Jacqueline Engel
- Marjana Fazullina
- Viktor Fedortšenko
- Sergei Fedossejev
- Alexandra Heidi Foyen
- Luana Georg
- Georgia Toni Giboin
- Jevgeni Grib
- Darja Günter
- Irina Härm
- Ingrid Iter
- Oliver Jahelka
- Viesturs Jansons
- Juri Jekimov
- Aivar Kallaste
- Jelena Karpova
- Julia Kaškovskaja
- Marina Kesler
- Daniel Kirspuu
- Katrin Kivimägi
- Heli Kohv
- Serafima Kolodkina
- Sanna Kondas
- Heidi Kopti
- Kaja Kreitzberg
- Tiina Kripsaar
- Anita Kurõljova
- Anna-Roberta Lahesoo
- Seili Loorits-Kämbre
- Eva Luts
- Sergei Lvov
- Jaan Männima
- Nanae Maruyama
- Elina Masing
- Marika Muiste
- Kristin Murula
- Merilin Mutli
- Sayaka Nagahiro
- Vitali Nikolajev
- Ketlin Oja
- Reet Paavel
- Irina Pähn
- Maigret Peetson
- Tuuli Peremees
- Jaak Põldma
- Hedi Pundonen
- Laura Ragel
- Dagmar Rang-Saal
- Ülle Rebane
- Galina (Lauš) Rohumaa
- Benjamin Kyprianos
- Raminta Rudžionyte
- Anu Ruusmaa
- Mehis Saaber
- Lemme (Järvi) Saarma
- Ksenia Seletskaja
- Mirell Sork
- Inna Sõrmus
- Janika Suurmets
- Polina Žukova
- Gennadi Žurbenko
- Oksana (Titova) Tralla
- Jack Traylen
- Marina Tširkova
- Eve (Andre) Tuga
- Teele Ude
- Triinu Leppik-Upkin
- Sergei Upkin
- Helen (Org) Veidebaum
- Svetlana Veiler
- Tatjana Voronina (Volmer)
- Marina Volkova
- Urve-Ly Voogand
- Yukiko Yanagi
- Gus Upchurch
- Marcus Nilson
- Karina Laura Leshkin
- Külli Reinkubjas
- Karoli Jõelaid
- Abigail Mattox
- Eva Kram
- Laura Maya
- Ana Maria Gergely
- Nikolaos Gkentsef
- Joao Reis
- Kim Jana Hügi
- Connor Michael Williams
- Ellinor Piirimäe
- Josef Jagger
- Helen Värno
- Selma Strandberg
- Yuta Irikura
- Maarja Praks
- Bleiddian Bazzard
- Joel Calstar-Fisher
- Cristiano Principato
- Olga Rjabikova
- Natalie Barbis
- Caroline Maquignon
- Maia Shutova
- Phillipa McCann
- Antonio Gallo
- Benjamin Newman
- Pol Monsech
- Maarja Jaanovits
- Andrea Johnson
- Sofia Zaman
- Hodaka Maruyama
- Anete Obolenski
- Sacha Barber
- Karite-Mirell Mander
- Ashley Chiu
- Oscar Pouchoulin
- Jan Trninic
- Ivar Eensoo
- Lisa Jamieson
- Benjamin Pierce
- Caroline Hamilton
- Sophie Farquhar
- João Xavier
- Elena Troisfontaines
- Hidetora Tabe
- Anne-Sophie Marjeram
Senior members
- Veera Bogatõrjova
- Elita Erkina
- Jānis Garancis
- Larissa Guljajeva
- Aimi Herkül
- Elena Kalbus
- Larissa Kaur
- Ljudmila Kirš
- Tamara Kõrreveski
- Saima Kranig
- Tatjana Laid
- Juta (Lehiste) Lass
- Alla (Udovenko) Lilleorg
- Urve Lindmaa
- Maire (Loorents) Kadak
- Mark Nepomnjaštši
- Rufina Noor
- Endel Poom
- Sergei Prilutski
- Illar Rätsep
- Veera Rogožina
- Inge (Arro) Saarsalu
- Maie Saealle
- Regina (Tõshko) Süvalep
- Aigi (Rüütel) Žigure
- Piia Tiitus
- Astra Tofer
- Marina Truija
- Olga Tšitšerova
- Mai Veetamm
- Epp Viller
- Mihkel Kivilaan
- Malle Tudre
- Helga Ojalo
- Aleksandr Tšitšerov
Previous members
- Enn Suve
- Märt Kalbus
- Teesi (Mõtus) Viisimaa
- Ülo Truusa
- Carlos Campo Vecino
- Inessa Glazõrina
- Oliver Jahelka
- Mihhail Jekimov
- Matthew James Jordan
- Giorgi Koridze
- Christina Krigolson
- Kersti Kuuse
- Laura Quin
- Xenia Rudakova
- Ülle Toming
- Emily Ward
- Miriam Ortega Paz
- Alex Fehr
- Francesco Piccinin
- Alexander McCleery
- Olivia Lenssens
- Anthea Van der Ham
- Joo Ho Lee
- Willem Houck
- Kristelle Teeväli
- Jade O'Leary
- Leonardo Celegato
- Samuel Parham
- Emanuele Sardo
- Jordan London
- Samuel Pellegrin
- Nelson Peña
- Bradley Howell
- Anatole Blaineau
Anu Ruusmaa Active Member
28.03.1960, Tallinn
2011-2013 TRE (Trauma and Tension Release Exercise) Level I, II Certification Training.
1999-2003 - Tallinn Pedagogical University - cultural advisor-dance director, choreographer
2003 - 2004 Vocational Teacher Education at Tallinn Pedagogical University, Faculty of Education
1970-1978 - Tallinn Ballet School - Ballet Artist
Continuing education
September 2016 Dance conference organized by Reseo in Lyon, "Talking Bodies"
Fall 2015, Reseo Conference in Como, Italy "Thoughtful Food"
Spring 2014, Reseo Conference "Soul Food" in Helsinki, Physical, Mental and Social Impacts of Opera and Dance
2014 - Alexander Technique basic course at the EAMT Department of Performing Arts.
2005-2015 Practicing Relaxation Breathing and Holotropic Breathing.
2011- Practical study of Pilates technique at True Pilates Estonia studio
October 2010 - Laban-Partenieff system analysis, organized by the Dance Artists' Union.
October 2010 - Karl Orff system at UT VKA
Summer 2010 - Painting course at UT VKA
June 2010 - Participation in lectures and workshops at an international conference organized by Viljandi Culture Academy of Tartu University. The theme is dancer and medicine. Introduction to the Sports Research Center of the University of Tartu.
June 2007 - Participation in lectures and workshops at an international conference organized by the Viljandi Culture Academy of the University of Tartu. The theme is dancer and medicine.
April 2007 - Visit to Stockholm Dance College - learning about the learning environment there, visiting different style training classes and establishing international links between Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy and Stockholm Dance College.
May 2006 - Visit to the Laban Center in London - to get acquainted with dance research, technical equipment of the dance laboratory, scientific literature and different style training classes and Pilates office.
2000 - Kuopio Dance and Soi Jazz Technique, teacher R. Adamson
1998 - Wienna Tanzwochen - contemporary dance, teacher M. Lawrens, modern-jazz, educator B. Taylor
1997 - Tike Summer Festival - modern technology, educator M. Taylor
1997 - Estonian National Opera - contact improvisation, educator B. Young
1997 - Gothenburg, international dance festival - yoga, teacher M. Blossfeldt
modern technology, educator S. Osborn
1997 - Wienna Tanzwochen - modern technology, educator F. Faust Humphrey-Limon technique, educator J. Alegado, Blues-jazz, educator G. Armstrong
1995.97 - Modern Tech, Educator C.J. Roulin
1995 - Fine 5 - Modern Technique, educator R. James
1992,94 - Cunningham Technique, Educator K. Jameson
1993,94 - Tike Summer Dance Festival - composition teacher M. Taylor composition and body perception, educator M. Mayers, modern technology, educator J. Houlahan
1992 - Nordic Star Dance Theater - modern technique, educator E. Jones
1992 - Nordic Star Dance Theater - Bournonville Tech, teacher K. Oberly
1991 - Nordic Star Dance Theater - avant-garde, educator B.S Stein contact improvisation, educator B.Hoffrening
1986,87 - Opera and Ballet Theater Estonia - Limon and jazz, pedagogue J. Miller
1980-1983 - Tallinn Conservatoire, Department of Performing Arts - actress (freelance)
1979, 80 - Opera and Ballet Theater Estonia - classical dance, teacher
O. Majevskaya.
Professional background
January - February 2020 - EAMT's "Evolving Academy", teaching from lecturer to lecturer, TRE introductory lessons and subsequent course.
October 2019 - Presentation at the conference of Olavi Silla at the Estonian Theater and Music Academy with a presentation "Deep Presence, Balanced Emotional Background, Elastic and Ready Muscle in Contemporary Performing Arts"
2018 Dance Pond Spring and Summer Camps TRE and Ballet Training “Understanding and Feeling Outside”
2015-2019 Deputy Chairman of the Performing Arts Foundation of the Estonian Cultural Endowment
January - May 2015, Limon technique course at ETA Dance School
August 2014, 2015, 2016 - International Ballet Seminar Young Ballett Fouette, TRE course.
2012-2013- Young Ballet Fouette Ballet School for 6-8 year olds
2012 - Modern dance seminar at IDA Dance School and staging a number for future ballet artists.
2011-2012 Ballet School Fouette, Body Tech Lessons for Future Ballet Artists.
2011- Speaking at a health conference in Tallinn and conducting an hour
2011- Teacher's House “Mobility and Health”, course instruction
2011 At the Health Conference Dance Therapy "Love with Heart". carrying out
2007-2011 Expert of the Performing Arts Foundation of the Estonian Cultural Endowment
2008,2009 Spring - Modern dance seminar at IDA Dance School.
October 2007 - Dancer to Dancer project - Body Release Technique classes.
2007 spring - Modern dance seminar at IDA Dance School for spring semester.
2005 - 2007 - courses on dance history and historical dance at summer camps for string players, keyboards and flute players.
1999 - ... Estonian Academy of Music and Theater - lecturer of dance and stage movement - lecturer
1999 - 2015 Ballet lecturer - University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy - lecturer
1999 - 2001 rehearsal of the ballet of the Estonian National Opera.
2001 - 2004 - ETA MRG Ballet Teacher
2002 - modern technology course in Vanemuine
1998, 1999, 2002 - modern technology course in Rakvere
1999 - 2001 - Estonian National Opera - reporter-teacher
1998 - 2000 - Tallinn Pedagogical University - teacher of modern dance
1997 - 1999 - Estonian National Opera - ballet soloist
1993 -1997 - Fine 5 - teacher-dancer-choreographer
1991 - 1993 -Nordic Star - teacher-dancer
1978 - 1991 - Ballet soloist at the Estonian National Opera
ETHL, i Gerd Neggo Scholarship, 2014
Ministry of Culture Award for Dancer, 1986-1995
Cultural Endowment for the Performing Arts Grant 2007, Teacher Creative Grant 2015
2011-2013 TRE (Trauma and Tension Release Exercise) Level I, II Certification Training.
1999-2003 - Tallinn Pedagogical University - cultural advisor-dance director, choreographer
2003 - 2004 Vocational Teacher Education at Tallinn Pedagogical University, Faculty of Education
1970-1978 - Tallinn Ballet School - Ballet Artist
Continuing education
September 2016 Dance conference organized by Reseo in Lyon, "Talking Bodies"
Fall 2015, Reseo Conference in Como, Italy "Thoughtful Food"
Spring 2014, Reseo Conference "Soul Food" in Helsinki, Physical, Mental and Social Impacts of Opera and Dance
2014 - Alexander Technique basic course at the EAMT Department of Performing Arts.
2005-2015 Practicing Relaxation Breathing and Holotropic Breathing.
2011- Practical study of Pilates technique at True Pilates Estonia studio
October 2010 - Laban-Partenieff system analysis, organized by the Dance Artists' Union.
October 2010 - Karl Orff system at UT VKA
Summer 2010 - Painting course at UT VKA
June 2010 - Participation in lectures and workshops at an international conference organized by Viljandi Culture Academy of Tartu University. The theme is dancer and medicine. Introduction to the Sports Research Center of the University of Tartu.
June 2007 - Participation in lectures and workshops at an international conference organized by the Viljandi Culture Academy of the University of Tartu. The theme is dancer and medicine.
April 2007 - Visit to Stockholm Dance College - learning about the learning environment there, visiting different style training classes and establishing international links between Tartu University Viljandi Culture Academy and Stockholm Dance College.
May 2006 - Visit to the Laban Center in London - to get acquainted with dance research, technical equipment of the dance laboratory, scientific literature and different style training classes and Pilates office.
2000 - Kuopio Dance and Soi Jazz Technique, teacher R. Adamson
1998 - Wienna Tanzwochen - contemporary dance, teacher M. Lawrens, modern-jazz, educator B. Taylor
1997 - Tike Summer Festival - modern technology, educator M. Taylor
1997 - Estonian National Opera - contact improvisation, educator B. Young
1997 - Gothenburg, international dance festival - yoga, teacher M. Blossfeldt
modern technology, educator S. Osborn
1997 - Wienna Tanzwochen - modern technology, educator F. Faust Humphrey-Limon technique, educator J. Alegado, Blues-jazz, educator G. Armstrong
1995.97 - Modern Tech, Educator C.J. Roulin
1995 - Fine 5 - Modern Technique, educator R. James
1992,94 - Cunningham Technique, Educator K. Jameson
1993,94 - Tike Summer Dance Festival - composition teacher M. Taylor composition and body perception, educator M. Mayers, modern technology, educator J. Houlahan
1992 - Nordic Star Dance Theater - modern technique, educator E. Jones
1992 - Nordic Star Dance Theater - Bournonville Tech, teacher K. Oberly
1991 - Nordic Star Dance Theater - avant-garde, educator B.S Stein contact improvisation, educator B.Hoffrening
1986,87 - Opera and Ballet Theater Estonia - Limon and jazz, pedagogue J. Miller
1980-1983 - Tallinn Conservatoire, Department of Performing Arts - actress (freelance)
1979, 80 - Opera and Ballet Theater Estonia - classical dance, teacher
O. Majevskaya.
Professional background
January - February 2020 - EAMT's "Evolving Academy", teaching from lecturer to lecturer, TRE introductory lessons and subsequent course.
October 2019 - Presentation at the conference of Olavi Silla at the Estonian Theater and Music Academy with a presentation "Deep Presence, Balanced Emotional Background, Elastic and Ready Muscle in Contemporary Performing Arts"
2018 Dance Pond Spring and Summer Camps TRE and Ballet Training “Understanding and Feeling Outside”
2015-2019 Deputy Chairman of the Performing Arts Foundation of the Estonian Cultural Endowment
January - May 2015, Limon technique course at ETA Dance School
August 2014, 2015, 2016 - International Ballet Seminar Young Ballett Fouette, TRE course.
2012-2013- Young Ballet Fouette Ballet School for 6-8 year olds
2012 - Modern dance seminar at IDA Dance School and staging a number for future ballet artists.
2011-2012 Ballet School Fouette, Body Tech Lessons for Future Ballet Artists.
2011- Speaking at a health conference in Tallinn and conducting an hour
2011- Teacher's House “Mobility and Health”, course instruction
2011 At the Health Conference Dance Therapy "Love with Heart". carrying out
2007-2011 Expert of the Performing Arts Foundation of the Estonian Cultural Endowment
2008,2009 Spring - Modern dance seminar at IDA Dance School.
October 2007 - Dancer to Dancer project - Body Release Technique classes.
2007 spring - Modern dance seminar at IDA Dance School for spring semester.
2005 - 2007 - courses on dance history and historical dance at summer camps for string players, keyboards and flute players.
1999 - ... Estonian Academy of Music and Theater - lecturer of dance and stage movement - lecturer
1999 - 2015 Ballet lecturer - University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy - lecturer
1999 - 2001 rehearsal of the ballet of the Estonian National Opera.
2001 - 2004 - ETA MRG Ballet Teacher
2002 - modern technology course in Vanemuine
1998, 1999, 2002 - modern technology course in Rakvere
1999 - 2001 - Estonian National Opera - reporter-teacher
1998 - 2000 - Tallinn Pedagogical University - teacher of modern dance
1997 - 1999 - Estonian National Opera - ballet soloist
1993 -1997 - Fine 5 - teacher-dancer-choreographer
1991 - 1993 -Nordic Star - teacher-dancer
1978 - 1991 - Ballet soloist at the Estonian National Opera
ETHL, i Gerd Neggo Scholarship, 2014
Ministry of Culture Award for Dancer, 1986-1995
Cultural Endowment for the Performing Arts Grant 2007, Teacher Creative Grant 2015