- Members of honour
Active members
- Marika Aidla
- Svetlana (Pavlova) Anslan
- Nadežda Antipenko
- Avelar Gerardo Olivares
- Rita Dolgihh
- Margarita Dombrovskaja
- Alexander Germain Drew
- Maria Isabella Jacqueline Engel
- Marjana Fazullina
- Viktor Fedortšenko
- Sergei Fedossejev
- Alexandra Heidi Foyen
- Luana Georg
- Georgia Toni Giboin
- Jevgeni Grib
- Darja Günter
- Irina Härm
- Ingrid Iter
- Oliver Jahelka
- Viesturs Jansons
- Juri Jekimov
- Aivar Kallaste
- Jelena Karpova
- Julia Kaškovskaja
- Marina Kesler
- Daniel Kirspuu
- Katrin Kivimägi
- Heli Kohv
- Serafima Kolodkina
- Sanna Kondas
- Heidi Kopti
- Kaja Kreitzberg
- Tiina Kripsaar
- Anita Kurõljova
- Anna-Roberta Lahesoo
- Seili Loorits-Kämbre
- Eva Luts
- Sergei Lvov
- Jaan Männima
- Nanae Maruyama
- Elina Masing
- Marika Muiste
- Kristin Murula
- Merilin Mutli
- Sayaka Nagahiro
- Vitali Nikolajev
- Ketlin Oja
- Reet Paavel
- Irina Pähn
- Maigret Peetson
- Tuuli Peremees
- Jaak Põldma
- Hedi Pundonen
- Laura Ragel
- Dagmar Rang-Saal
- Ülle Rebane
- Galina (Lauš) Rohumaa
- Benjamin Kyprianos
- Raminta Rudžionyte
- Anu Ruusmaa
- Mehis Saaber
- Lemme (Järvi) Saarma
- Ksenia Seletskaja
- Mirell Sork
- Inna Sõrmus
- Janika Suurmets
- Polina Žukova
- Gennadi Žurbenko
- Oksana (Titova) Tralla
- Jack Traylen
- Marina Tširkova
- Eve (Andre) Tuga
- Teele Ude
- Triinu Leppik-Upkin
- Sergei Upkin
- Helen (Org) Veidebaum
- Svetlana Veiler
- Tatjana Voronina (Volmer)
- Marina Volkova
- Urve-Ly Voogand
- Yukiko Yanagi
- Gus Upchurch
- Marcus Nilson
- Karina Laura Leshkin
- Külli Reinkubjas
- Karoli Jõelaid
- Abigail Mattox
- Eva Kram
- Laura Maya
- Ana Maria Gergely
- Nikolaos Gkentsef
- Joao Reis
- Kim Jana Hügi
- Connor Michael Williams
- Ellinor Piirimäe
- Josef Jagger
- Helen Värno
- Selma Strandberg
- Yuta Irikura
- Maarja Praks
- Bleiddian Bazzard
- Joel Calstar-Fisher
- Cristiano Principato
- Olga Rjabikova
- Natalie Barbis
- Caroline Maquignon
- Maia Shutova
- Phillipa McCann
- Antonio Gallo
- Benjamin Newman
- Pol Monsech
- Maarja Jaanovits
- Andrea Johnson
- Sofia Zaman
- Hodaka Maruyama
- Anete Obolenski
- Sacha Barber
- Karite-Mirell Mander
- Ashley Chiu
- Oscar Pouchoulin
- Jan Trninic
- Ivar Eensoo
- Lisa Jamieson
- Benjamin Pierce
- Caroline Hamilton
- Sophie Farquhar
- João Xavier
- Elena Troisfontaines
- Hidetora Tabe
- Anne-Sophie Marjeram
Senior members
- Veera Bogatõrjova
- Elita Erkina
- Jānis Garancis
- Larissa Guljajeva
- Aimi Herkül
- Elena Kalbus
- Larissa Kaur
- Ljudmila Kirš
- Tamara Kõrreveski
- Saima Kranig
- Tatjana Laid
- Juta (Lehiste) Lass
- Alla (Udovenko) Lilleorg
- Urve Lindmaa
- Maire (Loorents) Kadak
- Mark Nepomnjaštši
- Rufina Noor
- Endel Poom
- Sergei Prilutski
- Illar Rätsep
- Veera Rogožina
- Inge (Arro) Saarsalu
- Maie Saealle
- Regina (Tõshko) Süvalep
- Aigi (Rüütel) Žigure
- Piia Tiitus
- Astra Tofer
- Marina Truija
- Olga Tšitšerova
- Mai Veetamm
- Epp Viller
- Mihkel Kivilaan
- Malle Tudre
- Helga Ojalo
- Aleksandr Tšitšerov
Previous members
- Enn Suve
- Märt Kalbus
- Teesi (Mõtus) Viisimaa
- Ülo Truusa
- Carlos Campo Vecino
- Inessa Glazõrina
- Oliver Jahelka
- Mihhail Jekimov
- Matthew James Jordan
- Giorgi Koridze
- Christina Krigolson
- Kersti Kuuse
- Laura Quin
- Xenia Rudakova
- Ülle Toming
- Emily Ward
- Miriam Ortega Paz
- Alex Fehr
- Francesco Piccinin
- Alexander McCleery
- Olivia Lenssens
- Anthea Van der Ham
- Joo Ho Lee
- Willem Houck
- Kristelle Teeväli
- Jade O'Leary
- Leonardo Celegato
- Samuel Parham
- Emanuele Sardo
- Jordan London
- Samuel Pellegrin
- Nelson Peña
- Bradley Howell
- Anatole Blaineau
Emanuele Sardo Active Member
Estonian National Ballet artist since 2018
- Artist with the Estonian National Opera and Ballet (Eesti Rahvusballet) since 2018;
- Artist with the Krakow Opera and Ballet (Opera Krakowska) season 2017-2018;
- Solos: Stanley’s Friends in “A Streetcar named Desire” by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Sneezy in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” by Gyula Harangozò, Two Lead Couples in “Alice in Wonderland’s” Flower Waltz by Gianluca Schiavoni, Five Pairs in “Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.6” by Mai Murdmaa.
- Ensembles: Toomas Edur’s “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadere” and “Romeo and Juliet”, Marina Kesler’s “Valse Triste”, “Kratt” and “Anna Karenina”, Ben Stevenson’s “The Nutcracker”, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s “A Streetcar Named Desire”, Mary Skeaping’s “Giselle”, George Balanchine’s “Serenade”, Mai Murdmaa’s “Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.6”, Gianluca Schiavoni’s “Alice in Wonderland”, Ronald Hynd’s “Coppelia”.
- Understudy: Cavaliers in “The Sleeping Beauty” by Toomas Edur, Fritz in “The Nutcraker” by Ben Stevenson, Chinese Dance in “The Nutcracker”, Pinko Panko in “Alice in Wonderland” by Gianluca Schiavoni, the Dormouse in “Alice in Wonderland”, Booze Men in “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa.
- Solos: Spanish Dance in “The Nutcracker” by Emil Wesolowski, the Two Butlers in “Cinderella” by Giorgio Madia, Tango (Three soloist couples) in “El Abrazo” by Eduard Bablidze, the Love Pas De Deux in “Carmina Burana” by Emil Wesolowski, “Trio” by Katarzyna Alexander Kmiec.
- Ensembles: “The Nutcracker” and “Carmina Burana” by Emil Wesolowski, “Cinderella” by Giorgio Madia, “El Abrazo” by Eduard Bablidze, collaborations with several Opera performances in the Theatre’s Repertoire
- High School Diploma obtained in 2017 from “Liceo delle Scienze Umane”, Italy
- 2013-2017 “Il Balletto” full time professional ballet school, Castelfranco Veneto (Italy) directed by Susanna Plaino, Principal Teachers: Susanna Plaino, Oleg Grachov, Natalya Kalgaskhina, Stefania Pigato, Marco Laudani and Maurizio Chisari. Guest Teachers: James Wilkie, Petruska Broholm, Carlos Montalvan, Bruce Michelson, Cynthia Harvey, Bruno Vescovo, Matthew Paluch; - 2003-2012 “Centro di Danza” Asti (Italy) directed by Valeria e Susanna Ballario.
- RAD Advanced 2, 2017 (Graduation)
- ISTD Advanced 1, 2015
- ISTD Intermediate, 2014
- Soloist and Principal roles with “Il Balletto-GruppoJuniorVeneto” (School’s Junior Company, Italy) such as: “La Esmeralda” Pas Des Deux, “Satanella” Pas Des Deux, “Coppelia” Pas Des Deux, “The Nutcracker” Pas Des Deux and Lead Flower, “Raymonda” variation, “Coppelia” variation, “Napoli” by August Bournonville, “Forgotten Land” by Jiří Kylián.
- Gala in St.Petersbug, Russia 2015 under invitation;
- Performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London 2015 and 2016 (Dance Proms);
- ISTD Awards: 1st Senior Prize Winner and Boys Senior Cup Winner, London, 2016
- ISTD Bursary Awards: invited by the ISTD to represent the Ballet Department, Birmingham 2016
- Finalist of the MAB “Maria Antonietta Berlusconi” Ballet Competition, Milan 2017
- Escuela de Danza Maria de Avila
- Conservatorio Nacional Mariemma, Madrid
- International Ballet Masterclasses Prague 2016
- Royal Ballet Summer School London 2014 and 2015
- Victor Ullate Ballet School, Madrid
- Artist with the Estonian National Opera and Ballet (Eesti Rahvusballet) since 2018;
- Artist with the Krakow Opera and Ballet (Opera Krakowska) season 2017-2018;
- Solos: Stanley’s Friends in “A Streetcar named Desire” by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa, Sneezy in “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves” by Gyula Harangozò, Two Lead Couples in “Alice in Wonderland’s” Flower Waltz by Gianluca Schiavoni, Five Pairs in “Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.6” by Mai Murdmaa.
- Ensembles: Toomas Edur’s “Swan Lake”, “Sleeping Beauty”, “La Bayadere” and “Romeo and Juliet”, Marina Kesler’s “Valse Triste”, “Kratt” and “Anna Karenina”, Ben Stevenson’s “The Nutcracker”, Annabelle Lopez Ochoa’s “A Streetcar Named Desire”, Mary Skeaping’s “Giselle”, George Balanchine’s “Serenade”, Mai Murdmaa’s “Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No.6”, Gianluca Schiavoni’s “Alice in Wonderland”, Ronald Hynd’s “Coppelia”.
- Understudy: Cavaliers in “The Sleeping Beauty” by Toomas Edur, Fritz in “The Nutcraker” by Ben Stevenson, Chinese Dance in “The Nutcracker”, Pinko Panko in “Alice in Wonderland” by Gianluca Schiavoni, the Dormouse in “Alice in Wonderland”, Booze Men in “A Streetcar Named Desire” by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa.
- Solos: Spanish Dance in “The Nutcracker” by Emil Wesolowski, the Two Butlers in “Cinderella” by Giorgio Madia, Tango (Three soloist couples) in “El Abrazo” by Eduard Bablidze, the Love Pas De Deux in “Carmina Burana” by Emil Wesolowski, “Trio” by Katarzyna Alexander Kmiec.
- Ensembles: “The Nutcracker” and “Carmina Burana” by Emil Wesolowski, “Cinderella” by Giorgio Madia, “El Abrazo” by Eduard Bablidze, collaborations with several Opera performances in the Theatre’s Repertoire
- High School Diploma obtained in 2017 from “Liceo delle Scienze Umane”, Italy
- 2013-2017 “Il Balletto” full time professional ballet school, Castelfranco Veneto (Italy) directed by Susanna Plaino, Principal Teachers: Susanna Plaino, Oleg Grachov, Natalya Kalgaskhina, Stefania Pigato, Marco Laudani and Maurizio Chisari. Guest Teachers: James Wilkie, Petruska Broholm, Carlos Montalvan, Bruce Michelson, Cynthia Harvey, Bruno Vescovo, Matthew Paluch; - 2003-2012 “Centro di Danza” Asti (Italy) directed by Valeria e Susanna Ballario.
- RAD Advanced 2, 2017 (Graduation)
- ISTD Advanced 1, 2015
- ISTD Intermediate, 2014
- Soloist and Principal roles with “Il Balletto-GruppoJuniorVeneto” (School’s Junior Company, Italy) such as: “La Esmeralda” Pas Des Deux, “Satanella” Pas Des Deux, “Coppelia” Pas Des Deux, “The Nutcracker” Pas Des Deux and Lead Flower, “Raymonda” variation, “Coppelia” variation, “Napoli” by August Bournonville, “Forgotten Land” by Jiří Kylián.
- Gala in St.Petersbug, Russia 2015 under invitation;
- Performance at the Royal Albert Hall, London 2015 and 2016 (Dance Proms);
- ISTD Awards: 1st Senior Prize Winner and Boys Senior Cup Winner, London, 2016
- ISTD Bursary Awards: invited by the ISTD to represent the Ballet Department, Birmingham 2016
- Finalist of the MAB “Maria Antonietta Berlusconi” Ballet Competition, Milan 2017
- Escuela de Danza Maria de Avila
- Conservatorio Nacional Mariemma, Madrid
- International Ballet Masterclasses Prague 2016
- Royal Ballet Summer School London 2014 and 2015
- Victor Ullate Ballet School, Madrid