
General meeting of the Estonian Ballet Union

The general meeting of the Estonian Ballet Union will take place on Monday, September 28, from 3 pm to 5.30 pm in the Blue Hall of the Estonian National Opera.

The agenda includes an overview from the head of the board Triinu Upkin on the activities of the Union for the last three years, amendments to the articles of association must be voted on and a new board and council must be elected. Linnar Looris (artistic director of the Estonian National Ballet), Mare Tommingas (director of the Vanemuine ballet) and Kaie Kõrb (director of the Tallinn Ballet School) have been asked to talk about the current state and future of Estonian ballet.

The general meeting of the Estonian Ballet Union is the most important governing body of the Union, which meets every three years.

The participation of each member is extremely important!
